Legal terms
This website is published by Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, a simplified joint-stock company (« société par actions simplifiée ») with equity established at EUR 8,000, listed under the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 378.834.055, with a head office located at 76, rue de Turenne 75003 Paris - Telephone number : +33 (0) - email:
The manager of Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin and Publication Director is Emmanuel Perrotin.
The Website is hosted by the company Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, with a head office located at at 76, rue de Turenne 75003 Paris - Intra-community VAT number FR28378834055 - Telephone number: +33(0)
Website access and the use of its content are subject to the usage stipulations provided hereinafter. The act of accessing and browsing this Website implies that the Internet user fully and unreservedly accepts the following stipulations
Intellectual property
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin is the owner of the Website's domain name.
The entirety of the Website, as well as its components (in particular text, structure, software, animated items, photographs, videos, illustrations, drawings, graphic representations, logos, etc.) are creative works protected by articles L.111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property code. The Website and its components are the sole property of Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin; the latter is the sole party authorised to exercise intellectual property and related personality rights, particularly brands, models, creative works, software, databases, interpretations and image rights, as the originator or through a formal authorisation or licence.
Use of all or part of the Website, particularly by means of downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or circulation, for purposes other than personal and private use and with a non-commercial aim by the Internet user is strictly prohibited. The party liable for infringement of the above shall be liable to penalties stipulated in both the French Intellectual Property code with regard to copyright infringement (article L. 335-1 et seq.) and brand rights (article L. 716-1 et seq.) in particular, and the French Civil Code with regard to general legal liability (article 9, Sections 1382 et seq.).
links It is forbidden to create any and all hypertext links to any one of the web pages or components of the Website without prior written authorization from Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin. Said authorization may be withdrawn at any moment. Any and all websites with hypertext links to the Website or any one of its components are not under the control of Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin. Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin formally declines any liability (particularly with regard to editorial content) concerning access to, and the contents of, such websites.
Personal data
The term 'personal data' applies to all personal information (particularly the user name, password, name, surname, date of birth, email and postal addresses) that Internet users may disclose to Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin when subscribing to the Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin newsletter via the "NEWSLETTER" section of the Website and/or in respect of any message sent via the "artist enquiries" section of the Website. The said data, irrespective of its type, shall directly or indirectly make it possible for Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin to identify and improve knowledge about Internet users and send them its newsletter and/or respond to their messages. When the Internet user discloses personal data, the said Internet user shall answer questions asked during the subscription process for the Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin newsletter and thus communicate precise information, which shall not prejudice the interests or rights of third parties.
No datum of a personal nature shall be collected without the personal consent of the Internet user concerned. The optional or compulsory nature of the items to be disclosed to Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin for this purpose shall be stated to Internet users beforehand. Said Internet users shall not be required under any circumstances to disclose any personal data to Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin. However, in the event of refusal by the Internet user, Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin shall not be in a position to send the newsletter to the Internet user concerned and/or respond to their messages. In all events, if the Internet user does not wish or no longer wishes to receive the newsletter from Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, the said Internet user may inform Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin accordingly by sending an email to the following address: In all events, the Internet user shall also have the option of cancelling his or her subscription to the Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin newsletter by clicking a hypertext ink included directly in each issue of the said newsletter sent to the Internet user in question.
The Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin company is responsible for collecting and processing personal data from the Website.
The Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin company is the sole recipient of personal data collected from the Website. Personal data shall not be disclosed to third parties.
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin ne transmet les données personnelles à un tiers que lorsque :
Vous nous avez donné votre accord préalable pour le partage de ces informations,
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin doit partager ces informations avec des tiers pour vous fournir le service que vous demandez,
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin est sommée par une autorité judiciaire ou toute autre autorité administrative de lui communiquer les informations.
Each Internet user may exercise his or her right to access, rectify, supplement, update, lock, cancel and delete the personal data regarding the Internet user in question and, for legitimate reasons, to oppose its processing. To exercise the above rights, the Internet user may contact Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin by email at the following address:
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin may create a "cookie" (alphanumeric identifier) in the hard drive of the Internet user's computer solely with the aim of recognising the said user when he or she subsequently views the Website.
Seul l’émetteur d'un cookie est susceptible de lire ou de modifier des informations qui y sont contenues.
The term of conservation of information concerning browsing by the Internet user, as provided by the "cookie" on the Website, shall not exceed one year. The Internet user is reminded that he or she may prevent cookies from being created on his or her hard drive by configuring their Internet browsing software accordingly (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.). To this end, the Internet user is referred accordingly to the user guide of their Internet browsing software ("Help" section of the browser's toolbar) or may obtain any such information from the publisher of the said software.
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin shall undertake to ensure the accuracy and updates of information published on the Website to the best of its ability. The company reserves the right to correct content at any time and without prior notification. However, Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision and comprehensiveness of information made available on the Website. Said information shall not constitute any guarantee or commitment by Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin with regard to the Internet user. In particular, Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin shall not be held liable for: - Any lack of precision, inaccuracy or omission regarding the information available on the Website ; - All and any damage arising from computerised intrusion by a third party, resulting in a modification to the information made available on the Website ; - And, more generally, any and all direct or indirect damage, irrespective of the cause, origin, nature and consequences, caused as a result of access by anyone to the Website or inability to access the said Website, along with the use of the Website and/ Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin shall implement means intended to ensure the security of the files generated from personal data collected from the Website. It is, however, formally stated that Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin has no control over the risks related to the operation of the Internet and draws the attention of Internet users to the presence of possible risks in terms of confidentiality of data transmitted across this network.
Amendments to legal terms
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin informs Internet users viewing the Website that these legal terms may be amended at any time. Such amendments shall be published online and shall be deemed accepted without reserve by any and all Internet users accessing the Website after the said amendments have been published online.
These legal terms have been drawn up in accordance with French law and, in particular, with the provisions of Law no. 2004-575 dated 21 June 2004 "for confidence in the digital economy" and Law no. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 on "Freedom of Information and Technology". French courts shall exercise jurisdiction over all and any disputes arising from the use of the Website, subject to contrary provisions arising from Regulation no. 44/2001 dated 20 December 2000 concerning court jurisdiction and the application of rulings in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I). If the Internet user has any questions about the use of the Website and/or these legal terms, or any request that he or she wishes to address to Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, they are invited to send a message via an email to the following address :
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